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咽喉 Throat

エナメル質 enamel
象牙質 dentin
セメント質 cementum
歯髄 dental pulp
筋上皮細胞 myoepithelial cell
漿液腺 serous gland
介在部導管 intercalated duct
線条部導管 striated portion
粘液腺 mucus gland
腺房 acinus
筋上皮細胞 myoepithelial cell
介在部導管 intercalated duct
線条部導管 striated portion
喉頭腺  laryngeal gland
前庭ヒダ Vestibular fold
喉頭室 larynx ventricle
声帯ヒダ vocal fold
重層扁平上皮 stratified squamous epithelium
声帯靭帯 vocal ligament
声帯筋 vocal muscle
横紋筋 striated muscle
多列線毛上皮 pseudostratified ciliated epithelium
漿液腺 serous gland
有郭乳頭 circumvallate papilla
茸状乳頭 fungiform papilla
糸状乳頭 filiform papilla
味蕾 taste bud
有郭乳頭 circumvallate papilla
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